Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finding Myself

I thought that chapter 14 was really interesting and the part that really got me was the section about knowing yourself and examining you before you can reflect on you as a teacher and before you can learn about your students. This section really hit home for me because I feel like that is a large part of what I learned this semester through my coursework and my experiences in my internship. I never really thought that my culture, my ethnicity and my views were important but I have learned that in order for me to be the best teacher I can be I need to figure out those things about me and make sure they are where I need them to be in order for me to become the kind of teacher who can reach every kind of student in all kinds of learning communities. It was a huge revelation to me because I always felt like I knew who I was but this is a part of me that I never thought was important in defining myself. That is until now. This lesson has been invaluable and I am so glad that I am learning it now while I can still pursue this knowledge and know myself in this way before I have students.

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